This is a preview of your website which will be live at

Goodness 2013 Sustainability and Innovation Festival

August 10, 2013

Water is everything summit 2013


The WATER is everything summit 2013 will provide a platform for presenting, sharing and deliberating ideas for a Geraldton 2029 and beyond water sensitive city. WATER IS COMMUNITY launches the City of Greater Geraldton’s partnership with the CRC for Water Sensitive Cities (CRCWSC) to our community as part of the Goodness Festival. To celebrate, the program includes a series of thought provoking and locally relevant water presentations by executives, researchers and participants from the CRCWSC followed by community deliberation to frame what being a water sensitive city means for Geraldton.



Please RSVP indicating attendance on 16th Aug and any special access/dietary requirements to
Kim Logue 9956 6678 or Bronte Grant  9965 6780 or visit the 2029 and beyond website to enrol online.